Valentines Day Prayer Prompts for Couples

Do you pray for your wife? Husband? And what do you pray for when you do? I thought Valentines Day Prayer Prompts would be a great gift for all you lovebirds out there. Here are some prompts that could help you remember your loved one on that special day of chocolate, romantic dinners, and your reflection on the person God paired you with.

Valentines Day Prayer Prompts, praying for your wife, how to pray for your husband, how to pray for your wife, praying together, prayer prompts for prayer journals , prayer journal ideas.
Pictured is a couple praying together.

So let’s break out our Prayer or Faith Journals and consider these Valentines Day Prayer Prompts:

February 7th
Topic: Unity
Prayer Prompt: Pray for continued unity and harmony in your relationship.

February 8th
Topic: Patience
Prayer Prompt: Ask for patience and understanding in your interactions with your partner.

February 9th
Topic: Gratitude
Prayer Prompt: Express gratitude to God for the love you share with your partner.

February 10th
Topic: Communication
Prayer Prompt: Pray for open, honest, and loving communication in your relationship.

February 11th
Topic: Forgiveness
Prayer Prompt: Seek God’s guidance in nurturing a spirit of forgiveness and understanding in your relationship.

February 12th
Topic: Blessings
Prayer Prompt: Thank God for the blessings of love and companionship in your life.

February 13th
Topic: Strength
Prayer Prompt: Pray for strength and resilience as a couple, facing life’s challenges together.

February 14th
Topic: Celebration of Love
Prayer Prompt: Express gratitude to God for the gift of love and the blessing of your partner.

A Prayer to Keep You on Track with these Valentines Day Prayer Prompts

Satan will try to get in between you and your prayer goals, so it’s important to pray each day before you begin working on your prompts. To help with that, here’s a prayer to consider:

Heavenly Father,

As we embark on this journey of prayer and reflection during this season of love, we ask for Your divine guidance and presence. Help us to remain focused on our Valentines Day Prayer Prompts, allowing them to deepen our connection with You and our loved ones.

Protect our hearts and minds from distraction and doubt, so that we may approach each day with intention and an open spirit. Strengthen our commitment to fostering unity, patience, gratitude, and communication in our relationships, guided by Your wisdom and love.

May the act of writing in our prayer or faith journals be a source of inspiration and renewal, drawing us closer to You and to each other. Grant us the grace to embrace the blessings of love and companionship, and to face life’s challenges with unwavering faith and strength.

In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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