Listen Now: The Shocking Truth About Us

This week on In The Moment we talked about how alien Christians are against the worldview. They are so “shocked” you could say when they discover what it truly means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

The shocking truth about us, Christian podcasts, podcasts about Christians, free Christian podcasts

A lot of it begins and ends with their lack of belief that anyone would die to save them. But Jesus Christ did just that. The shocking truth about us is nothing more than understanding that for all who come to relationship with Jesus Christ, you realize you’re a sinner saved by His grace. From that point, you can help share the good news by doing the following things:

Be a beacon of hope: Share your own story of faith and how it has brought you hope and joy. Be open to discussing your beliefs in a respectful and non-judgmental way, offering a positive perspective amidst negativity.

Live a life of compassion: Show kindness and understanding to everyone you meet, regardless of their background or beliefs. Offer a helping hand, listen with empathy, and be a source of support for those in need. Remember, actions speak louder than words, and your genuine care can leave a lasting impact.

Embrace forgiveness: Forgiveness is a cornerstone of Christianity. Let go of grudges and practice forgiveness, not only for others but also for yourself. This creates a space for healing and demonstrates the transformative power of Christ’s love.

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Listen to The Shocking Truth About Us Today!

Because of Christ, we do these things without shame or fear.

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