James 1:19-20: Today’s Prayer for Family, Holidays and Anxieties

Today’s prayer focuses on two things in December that always seem to create either happiness or disappointment: Family, and the Holidays. Now it’s not supposed to be like that but it is.

Several months ago a friend of mine was telling me about how a relative of his was moving into town. The family that lives around him are all “worked up”, considering this person’s history with them is not very good. From a spectator’s standpoint I was like, “IF you know how this person works, why is everyone getting so worked up about it? Hold your ground, do what is needed to help the person, set up some boundaries, and hope for the best.

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But we all have a person like this in our lives right? This is the person who has always lived in a certain amount of chaos. They have never really known the peace of Christ, and if anything, they’ve ran from it. And as much as I wanted to be empathetic, I probably didn’t come off the best considering how hard that may be for him and his family to just do that. It is at times like this I look to God’s Word. So, today’s prayer comes from James 1:19-20, where it shares a great deal of wisdom of how we can make the best of all anxieties relating the holiday season, family and everything that comes with them.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20

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Today’s Prayer: James 1:19-20

Heavenly Father,

As we enter into the Christmas season, a time that should be filled with joy and celebration, we come before You with humble hearts. We are reminded of the wisdom You have shared through Your Word in James 1:19-20.

We pray, Lord, that You would help us to be slow to anger and quick to listen when interacting with our family members. Grant us the patience and understanding to navigate any tension or disagreements that may arise.

During this time, when expectations and emotions run high, we ask for Your guidance and strength. Help us to set healthy boundaries, showing love and compassion to those who may challenge us. Teach us to seek peace and reconciliation, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

We acknowledge, Lord, that there may be family members who are living in chaos and have not yet experienced Your peace. We lift them up to You, asking for Your transformative touch in their lives. May Your light shine through us, leading them to the rest and hope that can only be found in You.

Father, we surrender our anxieties and worries to You, knowing that You are in control. Fill our hearts with Your peace, so that we may approach every interaction with love and grace. Help us to remember that our ultimate purpose is to honor You in all that we do, including our relationships with family.

Thank You for the gift of family, even with all its complexities. We pray that You would bless each and every member, allowing us to experience Your love and unity during this holiday season.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.

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