Christmas Craft Idea: Prayer Circle Ornaments

Tired of spending money on Christmas Tree décor? Consider doing some DIY Christmas ornaments this year! One Christmas craft idea I felt would be pretty cool to see are some Prayer Circle Ornaments. These ornaments personalize the Christmas experience for friends and family, and focus on prayer.

Christmas prayer circle ornaments, Christmas ornaments for the tree, Christmas Tree ideas, Ideas for Christmas tree ornaments, ornaments on the tree for the holiday season, DIY Christmas season, DIY Christmas tree, DIY Christmas Tree ornaments

3 Simple Paper Prayer Circle Ornaments:

  1. Whispering Wish:
    • Materials: Gold construction paper, glitter glue, pencil, white thread.
    • Cut the circle, trace a smaller circle inside to create a frame.
    • Write a short prayer or wish inside the frame in glitter glue.
    • Punch a hole at the top and thread white thread for hanging.
    • This ornament shimmers like starlight, carrying hopes and dreams into the air.
  2. Stained Glass Blessing:
    • Materials: Tissue paper in various colors, white tissue paper, black marker, transparent tape, yarn.
    • Glue small pieces of colored tissue paper onto the white tissue paper to create a mosaic design.
    • Draw stained glass window outlines with a black marker.
    • Fold the circle in half, then in half again to create a triangle. Apply transparent tape at the folds to hold it together.
    • Punch a hole and attach yarn for hanging. This ornament transforms with the light, casting colorful blessings on surrounding decorations.
  3. Folded Prayer Flag:
    • Materials: Decorative scrapbook paper, metallic markers, hole punch, ribbon.
    • Fold the circle in half twice, then again in half diagonally to create a small flag.
    • Write a short prayer on each triangle section with metallic markers.
    • Unfold and punch a hole at the top. Thread ribbon through the hole and tie a loop for hanging.
    • This ornament flutters gently, sending prayers on the wind like miniature banners of faith.

Bonus Tip: Personalize any of these Prayer Circle Ornaments by adding small charms, beads, or glitter for extra sparkle and meaning. Enjoy crafting and spreading prayerful cheer this Christmas!

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