Prayers for Anxiety: This week’s prayer prompts

Let’s focus on prayers for anxiety this week. If you’re seeking to address your anxiety through prayer and need some prompts to get started in your prayer journal, here are some suggestions:

prayers for anxiety, anxious thoughts, how to deal with anxiety, when anxiety takes over, how to remain calm, remaining calm, prayer prompts for this week, prayer journaling, prayer journals
Photo by Nathan Cowley on

Monday: Surrendering Worries

Begin by surrendering all your worries and anxieties to God. Write a list of specific concerns that weigh heavily on your heart. As you pray, release them into His capable hands, acknowledging His sovereignty and trustworthiness to handle every situation.

Tuesday: Trusting in God’s Guidance

Reflect on the times when God has guided and provided for you in the past. Write down instances where His faithfulness is evident in your life. Pray for a heart of trust, asking God to lead you and show you the way, even in the midst of uncertainty and anxious thoughts.

[Read Last Week’s Prayer Prompts Here]

Wednesday: Casting Anxiety on Him

Focus on the verse in 1 Peter 5:7 that encourages us to cast all our anxiety on God because He cares for us. Write a prayer of surrender, giving Him your anxieties and burdens. Trust that He will sustain you and carry you through every anxious moment. It’s the middle of the week, so your prayers for anxiety may be tested because you’re probably busy and trying to finish the week strong. Stay in focus!

Thursday: Seeking God’s Peace

Pray for the peace of God to guard your heart and mind. Write down Bible verses that speak about peace and meditate on them. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His peace that surpasses all human understanding, bringing calmness to your soul.

Friday: Resting in God’s Promises

Read and write down passages of Scripture that assure us of God’s presence and faithfulness. Pray through these promises, allowing them to seep deep into your soul. Thank God for His unchanging character and for the assurance that He is with you in every moment.

Prayers for Anxiety: A Closing Thought

Remember, prayer is a personal and intimate conversation with our Heavenly Father. Use these prompts as a guide to pour out your heart and find solace in His presence. As you persistently seek Him, expect His peace to fill your heart and drive away anxiety.

May your prayer journal be a powerful tool for navigating through anxious moments, finding comfort in God’s presence, and experiencing His peace that surpasses all understanding.


  1. Prayers for Anxiety: This week’s prayer prompts – Gospelchats.Com

    […] Prayers for Anxiety: This week’s prayer prompts […]


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